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首页 > 供应产品 > 雪花膏灌装机 加热膏体灌装机 定量灌装机检定 秦
雪花膏灌装机 加热膏体灌装机 定量灌装机检定 秦
产品: 浏览次数:592雪花膏灌装机 加热膏体灌装机 定量灌装机检定 秦 
品牌: 工洲
工作原理: 常压
功率: 1~100(kw)
单价: 1625.00元/台
最小起订量: 88 台
供货总量: 88 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-01-20 18:55
工作原理 常压
功率 1~100(kw)
灌装精度 ±1%
灌装量 500ml
灌装头数 1头
生产能力 20罐/分钟
适用对象 果汁饮料,护发用品,护肤品类,酱类,酒类饮料,口服液,矿泉水、纯净水,清洁、洗涤用品,酸奶,碳酸饮料,鲜奶,牙膏,液体酒精
适用瓶高 1~9999(mm)
适用瓶径 1~9999(mm)
售后服务 一年保修
外形尺寸 1~9999
销售方式 直销
贸易属性 促销
适用行业 化工,日化,食品
物料类型 液体
自动化程度 半自动
发货期限 10天
品牌 伽利略Galileo


电    源:AC180V-260V               外箱尺寸:400×380×200(mm)
功    率:300W                       整机重量:5.5Kg
大范围:2ml-3500ml                 大吸程:2m
大流量:3.2L/min                   出料防滴漏功能:有
重复误差:<0.5%                     断电记忆功能:有

  电源:220V 50Hz




 FragmentWelcome to consult...a hundred and fifty, yet not be
far from the truth.”

“Indeed, sir!”

Rounding his mouth and both his eyes, as he stepped backward
from the table, the waiter shifted his napkin from his right arm to
his left, dropping into a comfortable attitude, and stood surveying
the guest while he ate and drank, as from an observatory or watchtower. According to the immemorial usage of waiters in all ages.

When Mr. Lorry had finished his breakfast, he went out for a
stroll on the beach. The little narrow, crooked town of Dover hid
itself away from the beach, and ran its head into the chalk cliffs,
like a marine ostrich. The beach was a desert of heaps of sea and
stones tumbling wildly about, and the sea did what it liked, and
what it liked was destruction. It thundered at the town, and
thundered at the cliffs, and brought the coast down, madly. The
air among the houses was of so strong a piscatory flavour that one
might have supposed sick fish went up to be dipped in it, as sick
people went down to be dipped into the sea. A little fishing was
done in the port, and a quantity of strolling about by night, and
looking seaward: particularly at those times when the tide made,
and was near flood. Small tradesmen, who did no business
whatever, sometimes unaccountably realised large fortunes, and it
was remarkable that nobody in the neighbourhood could endure a

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

As the day declined into the afternoon, and the air, which had
been at intervals clear enough to allow the French coast to be
seen, became again charged with mist and vapour, Mr. Lorry’s
thoughts seemed to cloud too. When it was dark, and he sat before
the coffee-room fire, awaiting his dinner as he had awaited his
breakfast, his mind was busily digging, digging, digging, in the live
red coals.

A bottle of good claret after dinner does a digger in the red
coals no harm, otherwise than as it has a tendency to throw him
out of work. Mr. Lorry had been idle a long time, and had just
poured out his last glassful of wine with as complete an
appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly
gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle,
when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled
into the inn-yard.

He set down his glass untouched. “This is Mam’selle!” he said.

In a very few minutes the waiter came in to announce that Miss
Manette had arrived from London, and would be happy to see the
gentleman from Tellson’s.

“So soon?”

Miss Manette had taken some refreshment on the road, and
required none then, and was extremely anxious to see the
gentleman from Tellson’s immediately, if it suited his pleasure and

The gentleman from Tellson’s had nothing left for it but to
empty his glass with an air of stolid desperation, settle his odd
little flaxen wig at the ears, and follow the waiter to Miss Manette’s
apartment. It was a large, dark room, furnished in a funereal
manner with black horsehair, and loaded with heavy dark tables.

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

These had been oiled and oiled, until the two tall candles on the
table in the middle of the room were gloomily reflected on every
leaf; as if they were buried, in deep graves of black mahogany, and
no light to speak of could be expected from them until they were
dug out.

The obscurity was so difficult to penetrate that Mr. Lorry,
picking his way over the well-worn Turkey carpet, supposed Miss
Manette to be, for the moment, in some adjacent room, until,
having got past the two tall candles, he saw standing to receive
him by the table between them and the fire, a young lady of not
more than seventeen, in a riding-cloak, and still holding her straw
travelling-hat by its ribbon in her **s his eyes rested on a
short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue
eyes that met h
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