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首页 > 供应产品 > 小颗粒包装机 小型煎药包装机 中药包装机 楚
小颗粒包装机 小型煎药包装机 中药包装机 楚
产品: 浏览次数:852小颗粒包装机 小型煎药包装机 中药包装机 楚 
品牌: 工洲
包装速度: 5
电压: 220v
单价: 260.00元/台
最小起订量: 88 台
供货总量: 88 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-01-20 17:11
包装速度 5
电压 220v
功率 150w
功能 包装辅助,杀菌,捆扎,裹包,灌装,封口,打包
规格 SX-100
适用对象 油类,碳酸饮料,清洁、洗涤用品,口服液,酒类饮料,酱类,化妆品类,护肤品类,护发用品,果汁饮料
售后服务 保修一年
重量 5kg
营销 新品
适用行业 餐饮,医药,**,玩具,食品,日化,家纺,化工,服装
物料类型 液体
自动化程度 全自动
品牌 伽利略Galileo
型号 SX-100
包装材质 塑料


 FragmentWelcome to consult... thought he had some project shaped out in his

I did not like to leave him, under such circumstances, and we
all three dined together off a beefsteak pie—which was one of the
many good things for which Peggotty was famous—and which was
curiously flavoured on this occasion, I recollect well, by a
miscellaneous taste of tea, coffee, butter, bacon, cheese, new
loaves, firewood, candles, and walnut ketchup, continually
ascending from the shop. After dinner we sat for an hour or so
near the window, without talking much; and then Mr. Peggotty got
up, and brought his oilskin bag and his stout stick, and laid them
on the table.

He accepted, from his sister’s stock of ready money, a small
sum on account of his legacy; barely enough, I should have
thought, to keep him for a month. He promised to communicate
with me, when anything befell him; and he slung his bag about
him, took his hat and stick, and bade us both ‘Good-bye!’

‘All good attend you, dear old woman,’ he said, embracing
Peggotty, ‘and you too, Mas’r Davy!’ shaking hands with me. ‘I’m
a-going to seek her, fur and wide. If she should come home while
I’m away—but ah, that ain’t like to be!—or if I should bring her

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

back, my meaning is, that she and me shall live and die where no
one can’t reproach her. If any hurt should come to me, remember
that the last words I left for her was, “My unchanged love is with
my darling child, and I forgive her!”’

He said this solemnly, bare-headed; then, putting on his hat, he
went down the stairs, and away. We followed to the door. It was a
warm, dusty evening, just the time when, in the great main
thoroughfare out of which that by-way turned, there was a
temporary lull in the eternal tread of feet upon the pavement, and
a strong red sunshine. He turned, alone, at the corner of our shady
street, into a glow of light, in which we lost him.

Rarely did that hour of the evening come, rarely did I wake at
night, rarely did I look up at the moon, or stars, or watch the
falling rain, or hear the wind, but I thought of his solitary figure
toiling on, poor pilgrim, and recalled the words:

‘I’m a going to seek her, fur and wide. If any hurt should come
to me, remember that the last words I left for her was, “My
unchanged love is with my darling child, and I forgive her!”’

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

Chapter 33


All this time, I had gone on loving Dora, harder than ever. Her
idea was my refuge in disappointment and distress, and made
some amends to me, even for the loss of my friend. The more I
pitied myself, or pitied others, the more I sought for consolation in
the image of Dora. The greater the accumulation of deceit and
trouble in the world, the brighter and the purer shone the star of
Dora high above the world. I don’t think I had any definite idea
where Dora came from, or in what degree she was related to a
higher order of beings; but I am quite sure I should have scouted
the notion of her being simply human, like any other young lady,
with indignation and contempt.

If I may so express it, I was steeped in Dora. I was not merely
over head and ears in love with her, but I was saturated through
and through. Enough love might have been wrung out of me,
metaphorically speaking, to drown anybody in; and yet there
would have remained enough within me, and all over me, to
pervade my entire existence.

The first thing I did, on my own account, when I came back,
was to take a night-walk to Norwood, and, like the subject of a
venerable riddle of my childhood, to go ‘round and round the
house, without ever touching the house’, thinking abou
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